Authors: Paolo Pareti, George Konstantinidis
Reasoning Web. Declarative Artificial Intelligence : 17th International Summer School 2021, Leuven, Belgium, September 8–15, 2021, Tutorial Lectures
Pages 115 - 144
Published: 08 September 2021 Publication History
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We present an introduction and a review of Shapes Constraint Language (shacl), the W3C recommendation language for validating rdf data. A shacl document describes a set of constraints on rdf nodes, and a graph is valid with respect to the document if its nodes satisfy these constraints. We revisit the basic concepts of the language, its constructs and components and their interaction. We review the different formal frameworks used to study this language and the different semantics proposed. We examine a number of related problems, from containment and satisfiability to the interaction of shacl with inference rules, and exhibit how different modellings of the language are useful for different problems. We also cover practical aspects of shacl, discussing its implementations and state of adoption, to present a holistic review useful to practitioners and theoreticians alike.
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Cited By
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- Felin RFaron CTettamanzi A(2023)A Framework toInclude andExploit Probabilistic Information inSHACL Validation ReportsThe Semantic Web10.1007/978-3-031-33455-9_6(91-104)Online publication date: 28-May-2023
Index Terms
A Review of SHACL: From Data Validation to Schema Reasoning for RDF Graphs
Computing methodologies
Artificial intelligence
Knowledge representation and reasoning
Information systems
Data management systems
Database design and models
Software and its engineering
Theory of computation
Constraint and logic programming
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Information & Contributors
Published In
Reasoning Web. Declarative Artificial Intelligence : 17th International Summer School 2021, Leuven, Belgium, September 8–15, 2021, Tutorial Lectures
Sep 2021
193 pages
- Editors:
- Mantas Šimkus
TU Wien, Vienna, Austria
, - Ivan Varzinczak
Université d'Artois and CNRS, Lens, France
© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2022.
Berlin, Heidelberg
Publication History
Published: 08 September 2021
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- Felin RFaron CTettamanzi A(2023)A Framework toInclude andExploit Probabilistic Information inSHACL Validation ReportsThe Semantic Web10.1007/978-3-031-33455-9_6(91-104)Online publication date: 28-May-2023
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