New York Herald from New York, New York (2024)

was of I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 THE NEW YORK HERALD, SUNDAY, JUNE 5, 1921. 15 S. Cramp's Daughter Engaged to Mr. H. W.

Ford Miss Harriet Evans Cramp to Become Bride--Other Engagements. Mr. Walter S. Cramp of Philadelphia; now living in Rome, Italy, 'has announced the engagement of his daughter, Miss Harriet Evans Cramp, to Mr. Henry William Ford, son of Mr.

and Mrs. H. Ward Ford of this city and Morristown, N. J. Since the death of her mother several years ago Miss Cramp has lived with her grandmother, Mrs.

Benjamin F. Evans, at Twin Oaks, in Morristown. Mr. Ford was graduated from Princeton in 1917, and he was in service oveaseas during the wat Mrs. De Witt Vanderbilt Weed gave a luncheon at the Hotel Belleclaire yesterday at which she announced the engagement of her daughter, Miss E.

Mildred Weed, to Mr. Horace C. Westmen, Mr. and Mrs. Horace C.

WestHoRn of Danville, Ill. He was graduated De Pauw University in 1917. The wedding will take place next spring. Mr. ana Mrs.

G. Clifford Browne of 107 West Seventy-eighth street have announced the engagement of their granddaughter, Miss Elsie Colt Grey, to Mr. W. Ormand Buttlar, son of Mr. and Mrs.

Robert Buttlar of 617 West End avenue. The engagement has been announced of Miss Ruth Washbirn Heald, daugnter of Mrs. John Oxenbridge Heald cf Orange, N. to Mr. doberte Bruce douglas of Los Angeles, Cal.

The wedding will take soon. Mr. and Mrs. Irving K. Tylor of Brass River, announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Ellen Taylor, to Lieut.

Godfrey C. J' 'Donnell, D. S. Royal Air Force, son of Dr. and Mrs.

C. O'Donnell Wiltshire, England, WHITNEY-ROLLINSON. Special Despatch to THE NEW YORK HERALD. RAHWAY, N. June wedding to-night of Miss Charlotte L.

Rollinson, daughter Mr. and Mrs. William H. Rollinson of Devoncroft, Colonia, and Mr. Charles Hill Whitney, son of Mrs.

Thomas. of Deykes the largest Whitney ever of held Chicago, here. The bride's father is a manufacturer, with offices in New York. The ceremony took place at the Second Presbyterian Church, the Rev. George Hubbard Payson, who married the parents of the bride, officlating, assisted by the Rev.

Wallace H. Carver. There were 500 guests at the reception held at the home of the bride's parents. matron of honor was Mrs. Terry Morrison.

The bridesmaids were Misses Martha Payne, Louise Hallock of New York, Hazel McMillan and Dorothy Bar. all classmates of the bride at the Finch School, New York. Mr. George R. Collins of Chicago was best man.

The ushers were Messrs. F. I. Ferguson, Aldon L. Painter, Henry H.

Sibley, Julian C. Stanley W. Oliver Rollinson and Joseph R. Rollinson. Mr.

and Mrs. Whitney started for A wedding trip to California. They will reside for the summer at Spring Lake, N. J. Mr.

Whitney was a member of the class of 1918 at Yale and served in navy. WENDELL-SMITH. Special Despatch to THE NEW YORK HERALD. MONTCLAIR, N. June Mar.

garet Yates Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stanton M. Smith of 82 Union street, and Mr. Douglas Cary Wendell, son of Mr.

and Mrs. Herman Wendell of Wayne, were married this afternoon in St. Luke's Episcopal Church by of the bride. Mrs. Stoddard Smith was the Rev.

Robert Keating Smith, an uncle matron of honor. The bridesmaids were the Misses Gertrude and Mary Thornton Smith. The best man was Mr. William Cole of Frankford, Pa. The ushers were Messrs.

John McLean and Herbert Deane of New York. Only relatives and a few intimate friends attended the ceremony and the reception. SNOW -BOYER. The marriage of Miss Emily Boyer, daughter of Mrs. Harry F.

Boyer, of Greenburg, to Mr. Leslie W. Snow took place yesterday at the Plaza. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. John A.

Marquis. The bride entered the room with her uncle, Col. Jay E. Hoffer. only attendant was her sister-inlaw, Mrs.

Frank Boyer. Mr. Conrad E. Snow served as his brother's best man. The bridegroom is a son of tice Leslie P.

Snow of the Supreme Court of New Hampshire. He was graduated from Dartmouth in 1912 and two years later from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. During the war lie was a major in the Ordnance Department. Mr. and Mrs.

Snow will live in New York. M'KNIGHT-OGDEN. Miss Phyllis Ogden, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick C.

Ogden, was marriled to Mr. Nicholas McDowell MeKnight, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl J. McKnight, of New York, last evening in Grace Church, Rutherford, N.

J. A reception followed at 139 Ridge Road, the home of the bride's parents. Miss Helen Allison Ogden was her sister's maid of and the other bridal attendants were Mrs. John Schneider, Misses Dorothy Roome, Rosalie Watson, Dorothea Barrows, Swisher and Adele Wood. Mr.

McKnight will live Madeleine, Ir. Shanghai, China. He was graduated from Columbia this year. M'TIGUE-BOYD. Miss Madeleine Estelle Boyd, niece of Mr.

Louis Runkel of this city and West End, N. was married to Mr. Andrew Cunningham McTigue, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew McTigue of Far Rockaway, yesterday in the Church of the Blessed Sacrament by the Rev.

Thomas Barry Miss Alice Grace McTigue, sister of the bridegroom, was the maid of honor and only bridal attendant. Lieut. John Burlinson McTigue, U. S. served ag his brother's best man.

After the ceremony there was a reception and breakfast at the Hotel Commodore. Mr. and Mrs. MeTigue will live in Lawrence, L. I.

BRYANT-WICHT. Special Despatch to THE NEw YORK HERALD. PLAINFIELD, N. June 1. Miss Sophie Wicht, daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. Charles B. Wicht of Plainfeld and Mr. Harold J. Bryant con of Mr.

and Mrs. Wallace Bryant Paterson, were married to-night pt. Mary's Church, by the Rev. Walter Hennessy. Miss Beatrice was the bridesmaid.

Mr. Willlam Henderson was best man. WEDDING NOTES. Miss Florence Merges, daughter of Mr. Francis Merges, will be married to Mr.

William H. Picken, next Thursday night in St. James's Lutheran Church. Her bridal attendanta will be Mrs. Robert M.

Halsted. Misses Alicia Kennedy, Margaret Gunther, Helen Clark and Marion Smith. Mr. Kerry Hall will be beat man. There will be a reception at the Ritz-Carlton.

Mr. and Mrs. Theodore New have sent out invitations for the marriage of their daughter, Miss Hortense New, to Mr. Lionel Hochwald of San Francisco on June 23 in the St. Regis.

Mias Blanche Naomi Wason, daughter of Mrs. Margaret Wason of Greenwich, and Mr. William Miles, son of Mrs. Annie Miles of Ridge street. Greenwich, will be married at the home the bride's mother on June S.

PERSONAL INTELLIGENCE. NEW YORK. Mr. and Mrs. Henry White will arrive from Europe June 18 and go to Lenox.

Mr. and Mrs. Casimir de Rham Moore are at Islip, L. for the summer. Mr.

and Mrs. Temple Bowdoin have gone to Glen Cove, L. I. Mrs. John Hall McCuliough has gone to London from Parts.

Mr. and Mra. Newbold, Le Roy Edgar are entertaining of friends at their house in Tuxedo over Sunday. Mr. Charles H.

Sabin, has returned from Arizona and is passing a few weeks in Cambridge, Mass. Mrs. Moses Taylor Pyne has returned to Princeton, N. after a short stay in New Mr. and Mrs.

Vincent Astor are al Bernardsville, N. the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Russell. Mr.and Mrs.

T. Suffern Taller: will go to their 1 home in Newport next Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs. Francis M. Scott will pass July and August at Bar Harbor, Maine.

Mr. and Mrs. William D. Guthrie have opened their house in Locust Valley, L. I.

Mrs. DeLancey Nicoll expects to to her country house in Ossining, N. Her condition is slowly improving. Mrs. William K.

Vanderbilt 2d ani her daughters, the Misses Muriel and Consuelo Vanderbilt, will leave France for New York July 8 and on their arrival will go to Southampton. Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Ogden Jones. who are at their in Southern Pines, S.

will go to New London, in August to be guests of Miss Frances Ogden Jones. George A. Crocker, who was a uNtest: of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. William Sloane, in Mount Kisco, N.

gone to Stockbridge and later will go to Southampton. The Misses Fannie, Kitty and Marion Wickes, who are the country house of their parents, air. and, Mrs. Forsyth Wickes, in Tuxedo while the latter are in Europe, will go to Newport on June 20. Miss Margaret Alwyn Krech and Mr.

William Sheffield Cowles, will be married July 9 in St. Andrew's Dune Church, Southampton, L. a breakfast following at the summer home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin W.

Krech. Col. and Mrs. James Elverson, of Philadelphia gave a luncheon yesterday at the Ambassador Hotel for their Mr. Raymond Patenotre of nephew, Paris, whose father at one was the French Ambassador to the United States.

WASHINGTON. Richard Derby is visiting her Miser and sister, Representative a and Mrs. Nicholas Longworth. Mrs. Henry C.

Corbin has leased her country place, Highwood, near Chevy Chase, to Prince de Bearn, counsellor of the French Embassy. Miss Helen 1.. Welsh, daughter of Mrs. Robert R. Welsh and the late Col.

Welsh, was married yesterday to Lieut. Virgil F. Shaw, U. S. in St.

Margaret's Church. Secretary of the Navy Denby gave a dinner last night at Rauscher's for Admiral Baron Uriu of Japan, who is a graduate the United States Naval Academy, and who is in this country to attend a reunion of the class of 1881. Miss Adelaide de P. Lee, daughter of and Mrs. William Ralph Lee, and Capt.

John A. Andrews, U. S. Stephen's were Church. married Capt.

yesterday Arthur 'Cham. peny, U. S. was best man. Vice-President and Mrs.

Coolidge were among those at a dinner given last night by Mrs. William J. Boardman and Miss Mabel Boardman for their guest, Mrs. Whitelaw Reid of New Mrs. Boardman and Miss Boardman will start on June 20 for their summer place at Murray Bay, Canada.

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Curtiss James have arrived at Beacon Hill House. Mrs. Gibson Fahnestock has arrived at her cottage.

Mr. and Mrs. Duncan have registered at the Casino. Col. Benj.

H. Fuller, Marine Corps, and Mrs. Wuller have leased the Cranford cottage. Mr. William E.

Glyn returned from New York last night, Joining Mrs. Glyn at Mayfield. Mr. and Mre. Vincent Astor will open Beachwood next week and will arrive for the summer on July 1.

One time Senator George Peabody Wetmore and Miss Wetmore have arrived from New York and are at Chateau sur Mer. IN THE BERKSHIRES. Dr. and Mrs. Austen Fox Riggs gave a housewarming and reception yesterday at the new workshop of the, Riggs Foundation in Stockbridge.

tea tables were Miss Sarah O. Agnew, Mrs. Lawrence T. Lunt of New York and Mrs. Frederick Woodward of Chicago.

At the Stockbridge Golf Club house and on the course yesterday were Mrs. Carl A. de Gersdorf, Mra. D. Perey Morgan, of New York: the Misses Caroline R.

and Elsie R. Trowbridge of New Haven, Mr. and Mrs. Henry G. Brooks and Mrs.

John Torrey Linzee of Boston. NEW YORK UNIVERSITY EXERCISES THIS WEEK Dr. Faunce Preaches Baccalaureate Sermon To-day. New York University will hold its commencement exercises this week. the programme opening with the baccalaureate service this afternoon and ending Thursday night.

The degrees, of which 900 will be conferred this year, will be awarded on the campus at 10:30 o'clock on Wednesday morning. John W. Weeka, Secretary of War, will deliver the commencement address and the sermon will be' preached by Dr. William H. P.

Faunce, president of Brown University. 40 HOMEOPATH GRADUATES. The commencement of the New York Homeopathic Medical College will be held at the Hotel Astor next Wednesday evening. There are forty graduates. Waldo A.

Ames will deliver the address and Col. Howard C. Smith, president of the board of trustees, will present the diplomas. Military Classes Hold Chief Interest at Closing Day of Tuxedo Horse Show PHOTOS PAUL THOMPSON Miss Clara F. Peck's Winona Wins Championship for Saddle Horses.

Special Deapetch to THiS NEW YORK HERALD. TUXEDO PARK, N. June The Tuxedo Horse Show closed to-day, after a successful exhibition. The attendance was large, due to the fact that the weather was perfect and ideal for the horses. Much interest, as usual, was centred in the military classes.

Each event was keenly contested. The championship for the saddle horses wag awarded to Miss Clara S. Peck's Winona and Charles E. Butler's Dierdre Denmark in reserve. The champion hunter was Charles D.

Lanier's Bolling, with Quansett second, and the best stumper in the show was M. F. Murphy's Kilkee and Quansett Farm's Tradesman in reserve. The silver plate, given for the best polo mounts, three horses in one ownership, was unanimously awarded to the West Pointers, taking all the awards. The hunters in pairs awarded to Bolling, owned owned by Charles Miss ties D.

Lanier, and Outlaw, Grace G. Shuttleworth. In the local class jumpers ridden by children the Misses Wickes's Thunder was first, Lewis Brown third, Bull Durham second. Misses Wickes also won local saddle class with Picardy, and Master Hunt T. Wagstaff second with Melody.

Other awards were: Class 17-Model officers charges shown in hand: First, Lewis Brown, Tom Velie: second, John J. Farrell's Guardsman: third, Dean Bedford's Toronto King: fourth. the Misses Wickes's Thunder. Class 20 -Triple bar jump: First, John J. Guardsman: second M.

F. Murphy'8 Kilkee: third, Mrs. A. C. Ludlam's Little Sandy; fourth, Byford Ryan's Midnight.

Class 8-Saddle horses, men amateurs to ride: First, Cassels Farm's Trigger: second, George Crouch's Copper King; third, John J. Farrell's Mike; fourth, John Vanneck'8 Pauline. Class 20-Saddle ponies. First, Miss DENIES ELOPEMENT OF EX-MRS. CONVERSE, JR.

Mother Says Daughter Was Wed With Her Consent. Special Despatch to THE NEW YORK HERALD. LOUISVILLE, June Charles Henry Adams to-day contradicted a statement attributed to Edmund C. Converse, in an interview had at Los Angeles and published in THE NEW YORK HERALD of April 29 last. Mr.

Converse was discussing the will of father, the late Mr. Converse, which the elst former Mrs. Edmund C. Converse, from any share in his fortune. Before her marriage to Mr.

Converse she was Miss Judith C. Adams. Mrs. Charles Henry Adams is her mother. Mr.

Converse was quoted as saying his former wife had eloped. Mrs. Adams says her daughter did not elope, but that nine months after a decree for absolute divorce was obtained, which gave the mother the custody of her two sons, she was married to Glenn Salisbury, December 11, 1920, in Louisville, at the home of a near relative, in the presence of her younger son and a large gathering of other relatives and friends. The elder son was school in Pomfret, and it was thought anwise interfere with his studies in order to have him present. Mrs.

Adams says. marriage was with the mother's full consent. Mrs. Salisbury is from New York. Her husband has interests in automobiles and in Texas oil.

He was born in New York State. Mrs. Salisbury's father, the late Charles Henry Adams, lived in New York for thirty years. He was of the Boston family of that name and a direct descendant also of Rip van Dam, first Colonial Governor of New Amsterdam. Mrs.

Adams was Miss Judith Coleman, daughter of Chapman Coleman, prominent, in Kentucky great-granddaughter before the of John civil Crittenden of national fame, and through his wife a descendant of the Virginia Lees. MARTIN--LEACH. Misg Maud Chandler Leach, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Burtis Leach, was married last night to Mr.

Justus Carlile Martin at the home of her parenta, 321 Scotland Road, South Orange, N. J. Miss Margaret Dodd Leach was her sister's maid of honor. The other bridal attendants were Mrs. Lloyd Robinson, another sister: Miss Marion Martin, sister of the bridegroom, and Mias Isabel Leach of Chicago.

Mr. Edward W. Martin was best man. The ushers were Mesers. Howard Wainwright of this city, Howland Wentworth of, New Bedford, Morgan Rogers of Providence and Raymond of Ogden Lansdowne, Pa.

After motor trip Mr. and Mrs. Martin will gO to their new home in Providence. MARILYNN MILLER CHOSEN. Special Despatch to THE NEW YORK HERALD.

MIDDLETOWN, June senior class at Wesleyan to-day named Marilynn Miller as ita favorite actresa and John Barrymore as its favorite actor. Elaine Hammerstein and Charles Ray were chosen among movie actors, Amherst was voted as Wesleyan's best liked rival. SOCIAL NOTES. Mr. and Mrs.

Ten Eyck Wendell of 33 West Fifty -first street, with their son, Mr. Ten Eyek Wendell, have motored to Lakelawn, Cazenovia, N. where they will remain for the summer. Mr. Bedrick Stepanek, the Czechoslovakian Minister to Washington, 19 at the Vanderbilt.

Mrs. J. Winthrop Tewksbury of Islip, L. 1., dr at the Chatham. OBITUARY.

MELVILLE1 E. MEAD. Melville E. Mead, for many years well known in this city, died Friday in his home In Norwalk, in his eightyeighth year. Mr.

Mead was a son of the late Ralph Mead and was associated with his father in the wholesale grocery business about the time of the civil war. He removed to Connecticut in 1864 and was 'engaged in the real estate and insurance business up to the time of his death. Mr. Mead was educated in Wesleyan University, In 1856 he married Elizabeth B. Hyde CHARLES GOODRICH.

Charles Goodrich, for ten years freight and passenger agent for the Colonial Navigation Company, died yesterday at the home of his nephew, Milan E. Goodrich, at Ossining. He was in his sixtyseventh year. He had been a paymaster of the West Shore Railroad at Auburn and of the Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton Railroad at Cincinnati. Funeral services will be held at the Goodrich home in Ossining at 10:30 o'clock tomorrow morning.

Burial will be at Fort Hill Cemetery. MARQUIS RAFAELE CAPPELLI. ROSE, June Marquis Rafaele Cappelli, once Minister of Foreign Affairs and former President of the International Institute of Agriculture, died here to-day. He was the President of the Italian Geographical Society. MRS.

MARIANNE I. LESLIE. Mrs. Marianne Inglis Leslie, wife of John S. Leslie, president of the Leslie Company, manufacturers of reducing valves, Lyndhurst, N.

died in her home, 599 Fourteenth avenue, Paterson, Friday, after an illness of several months. She was 67 years old. She is survived by her husband, a son and daughter. CHRISTIAN D. DEBROSCAN.

Christian D. Debroscan, aged 58, died yesterday in his home, 10 North Broadway, White Plains. He was an Importer of oriental rugs, with a store at 13 East Fortieth street. He leaves a wife and four children. LOST AND FOUND.

BANKBOOK No. 1326442. Bowery Savings Bank, New York. Return to bank. LOST or stolen on or about May 24, vicinity of Andes, N.

100 shares of the Wabash Railroad, common stock, serial number 5873: of no value to any one except original owner: shares stopped, liberal reward for return; no questions asked. Owner, ANDREW T. GIBBS, Andes. N. Y.

LOST- On June at 9:05 A. Broadway subway, at Neving st. subway station, leather case, containing Oxford glasses, black ribbon with rhinestone clasp. Please phone Prospect 1271W. LOST -Envelope addressed to Dean's, 628 5th New York, containing cash and check, vicinity of 44th st.

and 5th av, about 12 o'clock: liberal reward. Return to DEAN'S. LOST -Leather suitcase, marked Z. containing tobacco samples and tollet articles, at Grand Central Station: $10 reward, no questions asked. ARGIS.

74 Wall st. LOST-Gent's brown grip, containing clothes and kodak: Suffern to Goshen rond; reward. H. J. VEECK.

Vanderbilt 188. LOST -Love bird, vicinity 121 E. 40th reward. Phone Vanderbilt 7053. STOLEN-1921 Ford sedan, motor number 4844548, New York State license 250544.

from in front of 102 West 26th, on June 3 about 9:45 A. information pertaining to same will be held confidential. F. room 928, 80 Maiden lane, N. Y.

Tel. John 4276. Jewelry, A REWARD OF $150 will be paid for the return of platinum bar pin, containing about 19 diamonds; lost, May 28. between 183d st. and Greenwich, Conn.

BLACK, STARR FROST, 5th av. and 48th st. LOST-One soltaire engagement ring and one dinner ring: $100 reward for return of each. Tel. Shore Road 171.

262 78th Brooklyn. No questions asked. LOST--Roman gold bracelet; plain, Initials on outside; E. L. B.

Inscription on inside, to Ella;" suitable reward, Tel. Decatur 6458 for particulars. LOST-Wednesday evening, in Greenwich taxi, between Blue Horse restaurant, Village, 48th green stone from earring; reward. 66 West 48th st. LOST-Wednesday evening, between Greenwich Village and 48th in taxicab, green Jade pendant: reward.

WYLER, 661 5th av. LOST- 30, gold octagon watch, monoW. M. graduation gift. BROSNAHAN, 360 Union Bklyn.

Henry 3620. LOST -Long pearl bar pin set with platinum and diamonds: reward. No questions asked If returned to Apt. 28, 43 W. 93d.

LOST- wrist watch. on 96th between Central Park West and Columbus reward. Riverside 4305. TAKEN from Plaza Hotel June 5, 1920, diamond earrings from bride just married. Reward and no questions asked it pawn ticket or jewelry returned on PA.

anniversary. Address LIVINGSTON, box 34 O. Station 0, New York. $850 REWARD for return of fancy platinum pin containing three large, two medium and numerous small diamonds: lost May 31, between 58th st. and Delmonico's or in taxicab.

MARCUS 5th av. and 45th st. Wearing Apparel. LOST -Small mink neckplece In 70th between Madison And Park avs. or on Madison av.

car, or when getting off: reward. Return to 62 W. 58th at. 9187 Plaza. FROTHINGHAM.

LOST-Friday, fur scarf, on Broadway between 80th and 88th then to Columbus liberal reward. BARNETT Columbus av. and 74th st. LOST -In Greenwich or Portchester. gray fur neckpiece.

Finder telephone 4119 Lenox or return to 950 Park apt. 7A, and re- celve reward. Cats. Dogs. reward return of Belgian police dos.

1 year old, mixed black, brown and white: from Ocean near Av. Brooklyn. Phone Coney Island 3425. LOST- -Airedale, male, name "Puddy" inscribed on collar: $100 reward for return: no questions asked. DEWALD.

Phone Wadsworth 5932. LOST-French poodle, Tuesday evening. Reward if returned to 246 83d Brooklyn. Shore Road 1228. LOST -Collie dog, N.

Y. and N. C. license: reward offered. VINCENT ERB, 1565 Grand Concourse.

Tremont 2076. LOST -English bulldog. brown and white, name Boozer: reward. 328 W. 108th.

Academy 2525. BIRTHS. to Mr. and Mra. Charles Gold nounce the birth of a son on June 1.

CONFIRMATIONS. nt 302 Sanford Flushing, L. on Memorial Day, a son. KENNEDY. -June 3, at Peck Memorial Honpital, Brooklyn, daughter, Dr.

and Mrs. Edward V. Kennedy of 75 Macdonough st. and Mrs. Irving Latz (nee Hattie Steinthal), 697 West End and Mrs.

A. L. H. Bloom announce the confirmation of their daughter, Helen A. Cahn.

Sunday morning, June 12, at Temple Beth Emeth of Flatbush. At home after 3 P. M. -Mr. and Mrs.

Arthur B. Caro, 1638 Union Brooklyn, announce the confirmation of their son Warren, at Temple Israel. Sunday, June 12. Reception Hotel Bossert, 3 to 6. FISH.

-Mr. and Mra. A. Fish announce the confirmation of their daughter, Hortense Irene, at Sinal Temple, of the Brett. Reception Sunday evening, June 12, after 6 P.

at their residence, 860 East 161st st. No cards. and Mrs. David Gerson, 203 West 120th announce the confirmation of their daughter Winifred at Temple Mount Zion, Sunday, June 12. and Mrs.

Samuel Hahn nounce the confirmation of their son Martin, Sunday, June 12, 1921, at Temple Beth-El, 76th st. and 6th av. At home after 3:30 P. 1187 Lexington av. and Mrs.

Saul J. Hartmann, 880 St. Nicholas announce the confirmation of their daughter Mildred. Sunday, June 12, 10 A. at Temple Rodethi Sholem.

63d st. and Lexington av. At home after 8 P. M. Mr.

and Mrs. L. Immergut of 1144 46th Brooklyn, wish to announce the confirmation of their daughter Rose at Temple Emanu-El of Borough Park, Sunday, June 12, 1921. Reception at hone from 2 to 6 P. M.

-Mr. and Mra. Jack Kohn announce the confirmation of their daughter Thema, June 12, at Tremont Temple, 10 A. Grand Concourse, near Burneide av. CONFIRMATIONS.

and Mrs. Samuel Lacher of 740 Riverside Drive announce the confirmation of their daughter Clara at Mount Nebo Temple on June 12. At home from 3 to 6. and Mra. Al Wiener and Mr.

and Mrs. L. Lewman announce the confirmation of their grandson and son. Edmund E. Levy, Sunday, June 12, at Temple Beth Flohim, Keap Brooklyn.

Reception 8 P. M. Willoughby Mansion, 667 Willoughby av. -Mr. and Mra.

Milton Levy announce confirmation of their son, Herbert, at the Temple Israel, Jamaica, N. Sunday, June 12, 1921. Reception 3 to 6 at their home. and Mrs. W.

Levy of 242 East 83d st. announce the confirmation of their 6011 Albert on Sunday, June 12. At hone after 6 o'clock. and Mrs. Bernard Nass of 817 Linden Allentown, announce the bar mitzvah of their son Joel, at the Temple Keneseth Israel, 6.

18th Sunday morning, June 12, at 10 A. M. At home from 3 to 6. No cards. and Mrs.

Benjamin Nathan of 949 West End av. announce the confirmation of their daughter, Mildred on Sunday, June 12, at Temple Beth-El. 76th st. and 5th av. Reception at Hotel Astor June 12, from 2 to 6.

ROSENI and Mrs. Jacob berg of 885 West End av. announce the bar mitzvah of their son Bernard on Saturday, June 11, at Congregation Pincus Elijah, 118 West 95th st. and Mra. Edward Strasser STRASSER.

Zeitung) announce the confirmation of their son Ervin, June 12, Tremont Temple, 10 A. Grand Coucourse (Burnside). and Mrs. Charles Wasserman beg to announce the confirmation of their daughter, Helen, on Sunday, June 12. At home after 8 P.

M. at their restdence, 1271 Carroll Brooklyn. ENGAGED. Rosa Levy, 319 79th announces the engagement of her daughter, Florence, to Mr. Bernard B.

Bretter. and Mrs. Nathan Cohn of 218 West 21st New York city, announce the engagement of their daughter, Sadye, to Jullus Jay Smith. and Mrs. Simon Hammerstein 20 Morningside AV.

announce the engagement of their daughter. Hanna Harriet, to Mr. Charles E. Feldman. HARRIS -Mr.

and Mrs. George B. Alexander of 225 West 71st st. announce the engagement of their daughter, Pauline Jeanette, to Mr. Abe Harris of New York city.

LEVY Mr. and Mrs. Albert Lederer, 315 Harrison Passaic, N. announce the engagement of their daughter, Adele Marie, to Edward A. Levy of Passaic.

Mrs. Julius Miller of 114 West 114th announces the engagement of her daughter May to Mr. Benjamin B. Niedenthal of New York. -Mr.

and Mrs. L. Grosa announce the engagement of their daughter, Marian, to Dr. M. Nimkoff of Brooklyn.

O' O'DONNELL-TAYLOR. Mr. and Mrs. Irving K. Taylor, of Bass River, announce the engagement of their daughter 18.

Lieut. Godfrey Catshbar O'Donnell, S. Royal Air Force, son of Dr. and Mre. F.

C. O'Donnell, of Devizes, Wiltshire, England. -Mr. and Mrs. Julius Bachr of 959 Prospect av.

announce the engagement of their daughter, Ruth Baehr, to Abe Sepper. Reception will be nounced later. MARRIED. June 4, at Lakewood, N. Mr.

Robert Alllard Hock and Mrs. Harriet McCabe Mahon. ANNIVERSARIES. and Mrs. Isidore Issacs of 1342 Franklin Bronx, announce the celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of their marriage.

Reception at Hotel Belleclaire, Broadway at 77th Sunday, June 12, 1921, after 8 P. M. No cards. DIED. Barth.

Leopold Baruch, Simon Becker, Frank, Bernhard, B. Gabriellem Boyan, Agnes Burton, Nora N. Collhan. Hannah M. Crane, Agnes H.

Cropsey, Josephine Dady, Michael J. Dorion, Donald M. Englander, Samuel Golding. Catherine Halligan, Gladys B. Harbutt.

William Healy, Eller. C. Hesplein, Arthur M. Jackson, Huldah Laird, Grace W. Leslie, Marianne I.

Lestrade, Francis W. Manning, Susan F. Mead, Melville E. Mendel, Michael. O'Callaghan, J.

M. F. O'Hare, Terence J. Osterberg, J. De WH1 Peterson, Clarence Platzer, Robert 0.

Roy, Emily Smith, James A. Smith, John M. Thomas G. Tomkins, Edith M. C.

Underhill, John Wolff, Adolph L. In demoriam. Flagg. George E. Mott, Henry HIll, E.

Read, Frank B. Lichtenstein, Sol. Robinson. C. c.

Mandelbaum, Fannie Roach, David Minnick, Mary A. -Leopold, beloved husband of Mina, father of Harry, Flora Lauthelmer and Elsie Goldsmith, in his 79th year. Services private. Omit folwers. On Friday, June 3, at 1 P.

at his residence in New York city, 51 West 70th Dr. Simon Baruch, beloved husband of Isabelle Wolfe Baruch and father of Hartwig Bernard Herman B. and Saling W. Baruch. neral services will be held at 10 o'clock A.

M. Sunday, June 5, at the West End Synagogue, 180 West 82d New York city. Please omit flowers. BECKER-On June 4. Frank, aged 60 years, beloved husband of Mamie Becker (nee Joyce).

Funeral from his late realdence, 380 West 30th on Tuesday, June 7, at 10 A. thence to St. John'e Church, West 30th 7th and 8th ave. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. bile cortege.

his residence, 278 Mountainway, Rutherford, N. on June 3, aged 55 years, Bernhard, beloved husband of Regina and devoted father of Arnold, Cecilia and Harold. Funeral services at the chapel of Mount Zion Cemetery, Manpeth, L. on Monday, June 6, at 2:30 P. M.

The Ceres Union--Officers and members are requested to attend the funeral of our late brother, Bernhard Bernhard, at the chapel of Mount Zion Cemetery, on Monday, June 6, at 2:30 P. M. By order of Jesse J. Goldberg, President. Adolf Hirschfeld.

Secretary. Campbell Funeral Church, Broadway, 66th Monday, 2 P. M. on Friday, June 3, 1921, Agnes daughter of Margaret and the Boyan. Funeral from her late residence, 578 5th Brooklyn, on Monday, June 6, at 9:30 A.

followed by requiem mass at St. Savior's Church. Saturday, June 4, In the 33d year of her life, Nora Nickle, beloved wife of Frank Vincent Burton, and daughter of the late George and Jenny Nickle of Liverpool, England. Services at St. Patrick's Church, Newburgh, N.

at 11 A. M. (daylight saving time), Monday, June 6. Friday, June 2, Hannah M. sister of Thomas William Edward J.

and the late M. Agnes Colthan. neral private. Kindly omit flowers, Pasadena, May 29, Agnes Howleson Crane, beloved wife of James C. Crane and sister of Mrs.

Charles B. Corser. Chicago, and Misses M. and L. Howleson, New York.

Funeral service at 2 P. Sunday, June 5, at The neral Church, 66th st, and Broadway. Burial at Woodlawn. Brooklyn, N. on June 4, 1921, Cropsey, daughter of the late Jasper E.

and the late Blarinda Boar Cropaey. Funeral private. DADY. -Michael J. The American-Irish His.

torical Society announces with deep regret the death of its member. Michael J. Dady. Joseph I. C.

Clarke, President General. Santiago P. Cahill, Secretary General. Golden, on May 25, 1921, Donald Mather Dorion, son of Abby Beers Norris Fitch, in the ninth year of his age. Interment at Flushing Cemetery on Monday, June 6, at 9:45 A.

M. Train for Main Flushing, leaves P'ennaylvania Station at 9:11 A. M. On Saturday, June 4, at his residence, 131 Amsterdam Samuel Englander, beloved husband of Kate Englander and father of Mrs. Anne De Goode, Samuel, Benjamin and James.

Funeral will be held Monday morning at 10 o'clock from his late residence. Burial in the Hungarian plot, Union Fleids Cemetery, Brooklyn. Friday, June 3, Catherine Golding. Funeral services at the home of her daughter, Mrs. L.

Evans, 153 High Nutley, N. Monday, June 6, at 8 P. M. at St. Luke's Hospital, on Saturday, June 4, Gladys Begtrice, in her ninth year, the beloved and only daughter of William M.

and Roxana Halligan of Rutherford, N. J. Funeral services at St. Agnes's Chapel, West 92d near Columbus Monday, June 6, at P. M.

Interment Cypress Hills. June 1, William Harbutt, aged 77 years. Chapel, Stephen Merritt Burial and Cremation Company, 161 8th corner 18th st. Interment England. On June 3, at her residence, 143 West 84th Ellen Caslin Healy, beg loved wife of Joles and mother of Mari E.

Healy. Funeral Monday, June 6, at A. M. High mass of requiem for the repose of her soul will be offered at Holy Trinity Church at 10 A. M.

Interment Calvary. Automobile cortege. on Saturday, June 4, as the result of a motor accident, youngest son of the late Samuel A. and Rosalie Hesslein. Interment from 65 W.

49th Monday, June 6, at 10 A. M. In her 74th year, beloved mother of Mrs. Martin Strauss and William A. Jackson.

Funeral fren the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Martia Strauss, 2517 Ocean Far Rockaway, Sunday, June 5, 10:30 A. M. Interment Salem Field Cemetery. Kindly omit flowers.

on June 2, 1921, Grace W. Laird. Funeral service at the residence of her mother, 47 Hawthorne Flatbush, Sunday, at 2 P. M. 1921, Paterson, N.

on Friday, June 3, Marianne Inglis, wife of John S. Leslie, in her 67th year. Services Monday, June 6, at her late home, 599 14th at 2:30 P. M. Providence, R.

Friday, June 3. 1921, Francis W. Lestrade, New York, in the 69th year of his age. Interment at Woodlawn. Hackensack, N.

June 1921, Susan Frederica Manning, of Brinkerhoff Ridgefield Park. N. Funeral services will be held at' W. F. Ricardo's Mortuary Chapel, 206 Main Hackensack, N.

Monday, June 6, at 2 o'clock. June 3, after a brief illner, Melville E. Mead, at his residence, 148 East Norwalk, In the 881.1: year of his age. Services at his late residence, Norwalk, Sunday, P. daylight saving time, and at chapel Greenwood Cemetery, Monday, 3 P.

M. Friends from New York are requested to attend the latter service. On Saturday, June 4, Michael Mendel, beloved husband of Florence and father of Hortense and Ralph Mendel. Funeral from his late residence, 1015 Southern Boulevard, Bronx, on Monday, June 6, 2 P. M.

Kindly omit flowers. 66 Fisher White Plains, N. on June 4, 1921, Josephine Marvin Frost, daughter of the late Ezra M. Frost and dearly beloved wife ot Thomas A. O'Callaghan.

Funeral service at above address on Monday afternoon, June 6, 1921. at 3 o'clock, on arrival of 1:13 train from New York, Eastern time. London end Dublin papers please copy. beloved husband of Anastasia Kelly O'Hare, at hia residence, Teaneck, N. on Saturday, June 4.

Requiem mass at St. Anastasia Church, Teaneck, N. on Tuesday, June 7, at 10 A. M. De Witt, Franklin Lodge, No.

216, F. and A. who died for his country In France. Services will be held at the receiving vault at Woodlawn Cemetery, Webster 233d on Thursday morning at 11 A. M.

Brethren are requested to attend. Lydecker Van Riper, Master. June 4, Clarence Peterson, beloved brother of Harry Peterson. Funeral services Chapel Stephen Merritt Burial and Cremation 161 8th corner 18th Monday night, at 8 o'clock. Interment Tuesday noon South River, N.

J. June 3, 1921, Robert O. Platzer, Infant child of George L. and Florence R. Platzer (nee Rochra).

Funeral from his parents' residence, 1817 Morris Bronx, on Sunday, June 5, at 3 P. M. On June 1921, Emily Roy, beloved mother of Martha, Thomas, Emily, Anna, James and Clara, In her 71st year. Relatives and friends are invited to attend funeral services at her late residence, 1028 Garden Hoboken, N. on day, June 6, at 8 P.

M. Saturday, June 4, James A. Smith, in his 87th year. Services Monday 8 P. M.

at his late residence, 501 Ray Jamaica, L. I. at Liberty, N. Y. Brethren of Charter Oak Lodge 249, F.

and A. are summoned to attend emergent communication, Monday, June 6. 1921, 8 P. rooms of George Werst, Hart st. and Evergreen Brooklyn, N.

Y. W. G. Sherrer, Sec'y. F.

P. Jansen, Master. 3, 1921, Thomas beloved husband of Mary H. Smith (nee Cowers) And father of William Thomas, Florence, George, Sister Marie of the Ursuline Nuns. Funeral from his late residence, 2391.

Walton Monday, June 6, at 9:30 A. thence to Church of St. Nicholas of Tolentine, Andrews av. and Fordham road: solemn requiem mass at 10 A. Interment Calvary Cemetery.

Automobile corteze. Summit, June 3, 1921, Edith Maud Cullen, wife of Brenton king. Funeral private. Oyster Bay, L. June 4.

Capt. John F. Underhill, son of the late Daniel and Mary A. Underhill, in his 82d year. Funeral services on Monday, June 6, at his late residence, Oyster Bay Cove, at P.

M. dearly beloved husbands of Hattie and devoted father of Helen, Viola and Sidney E. Funeral at conventence of family. Kindly omit flowers. St.

Louis and Dailas, Texas, papers please copy. IN MEMORIAM. DIED. At the Tuxedo Horse Show: Left to right--Miss Renee Carhart, Mrs. Murray Carhart.

Mitchell, Below-Mrs. Mrs. Amory Robert Goelet. ler's Dierdre Denmark; third, Mrs. Leland Stanford Woods's Bohemia Silk: fourth, Charles E.

Butler's June Days, Class 40-Military Polo Mounts--First, Major Arthur H. Wilson's Louise; second, Major Willis D. Crittenberger's Peg: third, Major John K. Brown's Countess fourth, Squadron A Cavalry's Slick. Class 42-Local Saddle Horses, to Jump Not More Than 3 Feet-First, Major Willie D.

Crittenberger's Morgan: second, the Misses Wickes's Thunder: third, John Vanneck's Pauline; fourth, Mrs. E. M. Weld's Sweetheart. Class 3-Heavyweight Saddle Horses--First, George Crouch's Copper King; second, Dean Bedford'8 King; third.

Cassilis Farm's Triggers; fourth, 'John J. Farrell's Guardsman. Class 32-Jumping at 5 Feet-First, Fred Wettach'8 Going Up; second, Quansett Farm's Sandy: third, M. F. Murphy's Flying Earl: fourth, Quansett Farm's Rempstone.

Class 35-Heavy weight polo mounts. First, Major J. L. Dever's Marvel: second, Squadron A's Slick; third, Major' Brown's Traveller; fourth, William Avereli Harriman's Eileen. Class 1-Saddle horses.

First. Charles E. Butler's Dierdre Denmark: second, Mrs. S. Wood's Bohemian Silk: third, Charles E.

Butler's June Days; fourth, Byford Ryan's Comet. Class 25-Women's hunters, First, sett Farm's Sandy; second, Charles Lanter's Bolling: third, Mrs. A. C. Ludlum's Rayolite: fourth, Miss Grace G.

Shuttleworth's Outlaw. Class 38-Horses up to 180 pounds, the Tuxedo Military Cup. First, Lieut. Lewis Brown, Jr. '9.

Tom Velle: second, Troop F. First Cavalry, N. Y. Flying Bird: third, Major J. K.

Brown's Brierwood: fourth, Capt. J. M. Tully's Fowler. Class 11-Pairs of Saddle Horses-First, Cassills Farm's Triggers and Myopla; second, Charles E.

Butler's The Madcap and June Days; third, Mr. Butler's Dierdre Denmark and Lady Mae. Class 26-Cirinthian Hunters--First, Quansett Farm's Sandy; second, Mr. Lanter's Bolling; third, Quansett Farm's The Whip; fourth, Grace G. Shuttleworth's Outlaw.

Class 4-Saddle Horses Suitable for Park Riding--First, Miss Clara S. Peck's Winona: second, Mr. Butler's Dierdre Denmark: third, Mrs. Wood's Bohemian Silk. Class 9-Saddle Horses, Women Amateurs to Ride- Miss Peck's Winona: second, Mr.

Butler's Dierdre Denmark; third, Mias Ivy D. Maddison's Myopia; fourth, Hans C. Sonne'8 Seat. Corinne Poth's Bounce; second, Beard's Jackie: third, David Wagstaff's Peggy. Class 5-Saddle horses suitable for road riding.

First, Miss Ivy D. Maddison's Myopia; second, Cassillis Farm's Triggers; third, John J. Farrell's Mike; fourth, Charles E. Butler's Avelon. Class 24-Lightweight hunters.

First, Quansett Farm's Sandy; second, M. F. Murphy'9 Kilkee; third, Mrs. A. C.

Ludlum's Royolite: fourth, Major John K. Brown's Leonard Wood. Class 7-Saddle mares. First, Miss Clara S. Peck's Winona: second, Charles E.

But- MISS BEATRICE POLLOCK MARRIED IN NEWPORT Becomes Bride of Commander R. Chew, Jr. Special Despatch to THE NEw YORK HERALD. NEWPORT, R. June Beatrice Pollock, daughter of Capt.

Edwin T. lock, U. S. and Mrs. Pollock, was married this afternoon to Commander Robert S.

Chew, in St. Matthew's Church, Jamestown, the Rev. Charles W. Burrows and the Rev. Howard Deming officiating.

A reception was held at the summer home of the bride's parents on Shoreby Hill. Mrs. William Davis Miller of Providence, matron sister of of honor. the groom, was bridesmaids Frances La Lanne, Marjorie Katherine were, Misses, dolph and Marjorie Gelm. Mr.

John Chew, brother of Commander Chew. was best man. The ushers were Mr. Richard Chew, another brother; and Lieutenant-Commanders Frank Craven, Dupree M. Friedell and Theodore S.

Wilkinson. POMEROY- POMEROY- Special Despatch to THE NEW YORK HERALD. GREENWICH, June Vir. ginia Rodgers Squier was married to Mr. Ashley Richards Pomeroy, son of Mr.

Theodore Lawrence Poweroy of North Maple avenue, Greenwich, at the home of the bride's father at Signal Hill Farm, Mount Kisco, N. this afternoon. The Rev. H. Adye Prichard, pastor of St.

Mark's Church, Mount Kisco officiated. The bride's sister. Miss Elizabeth La Bau Squier, was maid of honor. The bridesmaids were Misses Margaret Houghton, Carolyn R. Averbeck, Katherine S.

Keen, Katherine Pomeroy, Dorothy Rossiter and Frances Kennedy. Mr. Brenton C. Pomeroy was best man This brother. The ushers were Messrs.

John D. Decker, Lawrence F. Rossiter, Crosby N. Boyd, Malcolm Oakes, Phillip Weston and Stuart C. Squier, brother of the bride.

A large reception was held. ROBERTS-GILBERT. Special Despatch to Tan New YORK HERALD. PLAINFIELD, N. June 4 -The wedding of Miss Agatha Gilbert, daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. Clinton W. Gilbert of 911 West Seventh street, and Mr. Blakeslee Roberta, son of Mr. and Mrs.

Miles Roberta of Kensington avenue, took place this afternoon at the 1 home of the bride's parents, the Rev. A. H. Robinson of All Souls' Unitarian Church officiating. Miss Gilbert is a member of this year's graduating class of Barnard.

Mr. Roberts, his' twin brother, Mr. Stuart Roberta, was graduated from Stevens Institute in 1918. GIRL SCOUT, 15, HONORED. Miss Crowley Gets First Golden Engle Award.

Special Despatch to Tum New YORK HERALD. WHITE PLAINS June Edith Crowley, 15, of Davis avenue, this city, was awarded the first Golden Eagle honor presented by the national girl scout organization at Field Day, held by 500 members of the Girl Scouts today at the Gedney Farm polo field. The presentation was made by Mayor Frederick E. Weeks, while several thousand people looked on and a plauded. Miss Crowley had to earn twentymerits before she could gain the coveted honor.

She is also drum major of the Girl Scouts fife, drum and bugle corps, the only organization of its kind in the State. OPERA SINGERS CAUGHT IN ANDEAN SNOWS Martinelli and Others Rescued After Hardships. Friends of Giovanni Martinelli, tenor of the Metropolitan Opera Company, who have been without news of him for nearly two weeks, learned yesterday that with several colleagues of the operatic stage he is safe in Nuquen, Argentina. He, accompanied by Mme. Carolina Lazzari, Adamo Didur and E.

A. Roxas, accompanist, sailed from the country May to sing at the Colon Theatre in Buenos Ayres. The Trans-Andean Railroad had suspended operation owing to a snowstorm, and as it was necessary for the party to proceed at once to Buenos Ayres the singers set out to make the trip, which ordinarily occuples three days, on muleback. After crossing the Cumbre Pass it was further necessary to continue in the caravan for 200 miles across the desert before it was possible to connect with the railroad service, which had been suspended to this point. According to the news received yesterday from the Martinella press representatives, the director of the Colon Company became anxious owing poethe long delay of the singers and sent airplane scout to locate them.

were found and put on a outman special train at Nuquen. "Exposure and hardships," both trying experiences to singers, the diagnosis of the press agent. But now the party is safe. Martinelli will make thirty appearances at the Colon Opera House. CROWDS SEE "DEBURAU" CLOSE.

David Belasco Thanks Members of Company for Their Loyalty, "Deburau" at the Belasco Theatre yesterday afternoon and evening attracted such crowds that many persons were turned away at both performances. Many persons offered for seats but could not get them. After the matinee David Belasco, who, in recently announcing the closing of the play, said he wanted it to "go to the final port of dreams with all sails and while audiences were still packing the theatre posted on the bulletin board at the stage entrance following letter to Lionel Atwill and the others of the cast: "Please let me thank you for the help you gave me in making our play the artistic success it has been. You have stood by me shoulder to shoulder and I shell always remember and appreciate your loyalty. "You are all tucked away in my heart.

This is not good-by. I hope we all be associated together again in the not distant future. Happiness and good fortune to you NOTES OF THE THEATRES. Playeraft Productions, of which Harold Orlob, composer of many musical comedies, la president, announces its first production, "Lilles of the a comedy drama, by William Hurlbut. In the cast will be Mias Alison Skipworth and Miss Josephine Drake.

Miss Theresa Helburn, pretty young graduate of Bryn Mawr, who attended some of Prof. Baker's lectures at Harvard, has had A play accepted for Broadway production. It is "The Full Cup," and Mare Klaw has taken It. Miss Florence Walton has, returned from Chicago after dancing fifteen weeks nt the Drake Hotel and in vaudeville. The Provincetown Players will revive "The Widow's by Alice Rostetter, and "Aria da by Edna St.

Vincent Millay, and produce foreign English play, "Autumn Fires." by Gustav Wied, by Benjamin F. Glazer, next Wednesday. Al K. Hall, late star of "The Sporting and for years in burlesque, will appear at Proctor's Fifth Avenue Theatre this week. At the Lamba' Al1-Star Gambol At the Hippodrome to-night pretty girls and popular matrons will Act programme sellers, under Grace Atwell Mordant.

E. In loving memory of my beloved husband and our dear father, who departed from this life May 31, 1020. loving memory of William Edwia HIll, who died June 4. 1915. In loving memory of Sol.

Lichtenstein, who passed away on June 5, 1918. Edith Lichtenstein Rains, fondest memory of our beloved mother, Fannte Mandelbaum, who departed this lite on June 6, 1913. loving memory Mary A. Minnick, who died June 4, 1906. loving memory of Col.

Henry Mott. Died June 5, 1915. loving memory of Frank Read, beloved husband and father, who died June 12, 1904. loving memory of Caldwell Colt Robinson, D. S.

H. Second Lieutenant, Eighty-second Company, Sixth Marines, killed in action in the Bols de Belleau, Alsne, France, June 6, 1918. Greater love hath no man than this, that man lay down his life for his friend. constant, and affectionate ree membrance of my brother, David Roach, who died June 10, 1918. UNVEILINGS.

of the mausoleum to the memory child. Frances will be held this Afternoon at 3 P. M. at the Beth-El Cemetery, Cypress Hills, Brooklyn. Mother, father, sister and grandmother.

-The dedication of mausoleum erected in memory of Isidor Kaufman will take on Sunday, June 5, at 2 P. at Washington Cemetery. In case of rain postponed until June 19. CEMETERIES, MOUNT HOPE CEMETERY Westchester County-Non-Sectarian. Family plots.

Convenient payments, Booklet free. Office 290 Lenox Ave FOR SALE- in New York's leading centetery: real bargain: cash wanted. Lott box Grand Central Station. FOR SALE- Small plot in Woodlawn, with monument cornerstones. E.

HAMILTON, 211 W. 107th city. "CAMPBELL SERVICE" IS NOT CONFINED TO NEW YORK CITY A telephone call will bring our representative to you, wherever you may be, with the least possible delay. We have personal representatives almost everywhere Call "Columbus 8200" Any Hour, Day or Nigh, FRANK E. CAMPBELL THE SECTARIAN CHURCH Broadway at St.

23- Street at Ave. Flowers for all Occasions. Artistic Funeral Designs Our Specialty,.

New York Herald from New York, New York (2024)
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Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

Phone: +9752624861224

Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.