VTH Electrix Concrete Vibrator Machine ELE015-VBR ELE015-VBR Impact Driver(35 mm Chuck Size, 240 W) Lowest Price in Online , India- Reviews, Features, Specification, Cheapest Cost Buy in INR Online. (2025)

The Lowest price of VTH Electrix Concrete Vibrator Machine ELE015-VBR ELE015-VBR Impact Driver in Online , India is ₹ 4075. The latest price for VTH Electrix Concrete Vibrator Machine ELE015-VBR ELE015-VBR Impact Driver was updated on 26 January 2025, the cost price of VTH Electrix Concrete Vibrator Machine ELE015-VBR ELE015-VBR Impact Driver was ₹ 6850 which is now available at 40% discount on Flipkart. The multiple payment options available to buy VTH Electrix Concrete Vibrator Machine ELE015-VBR ELE015-VBR Impact Driver in Online are Credit Card, Debit Card, Netbanking and Wallet Payment. The payment of VTH Electrix Concrete Vibrator Machine ELE015-VBR ELE015-VBR Impact Driver on Cash on Delivery (COD) is available in Online . On shopping from Flipkart you will save ₹ 2775 as this is the discounted rate. We also found that cheapest price for VTH Electrix Concrete Vibrator Machine ELE015-VBR ELE015-VBR Impact Driver in Online was available online on Flipkart. VTH products at 40% discount is a great deal to buy online.

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The Price of VTH Electrix Concrete Vibrator Machine ELE015-VBR ELE015-VBR Impact Driver is valid for sale in India & is dependent on external parameters like stock, time & area of delivery. The above price is slightly more than the Wholesale price of VTH Electrix Concrete Vibrator Machine ELE015-VBR ELE015-VBR Impact Driver & at par with the market price of VTH Electrix Concrete Vibrator Machine ELE015-VBR ELE015-VBR Impact Driver. Do check for Special price & additional offers like VTH Electrix Concrete Vibrator Machine ELE015-VBR ELE015-VBR Impact Driver from hdfc, sbi, citybank, axis bank offers which are also available from time to time at Flipkart. Be sure to check VTH Electrix Concrete Vibrator Machine ELE015-VBR ELE015-VBR Impact Driver Warranty information available on Flipkart.


VTH Electrix Concrete Vibrator Machine ELE015-VBR ELE015-VBR Impact Driver(35 mm Chuck Size, 240 W) Lowest Price in Online , India- Reviews, Features, Specification, Cheapest Cost Buy in INR Online. (1)

VTH Electrix Concrete Vibrator Machine ELE015-VBR ELE015-VBR Impact Driver Price Comparison In Online India




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VTH Electrix Concrete Vibrator Machine ELE015-VBR ELE015-VBR Impact Driver(35 mm Chuck Size, 240 W) Lowest Price in Online , India- Reviews, Features, Specification, Cheapest Cost Buy in INR Online. (9)

VTH Electrix Concrete Vibrator Machine ELE015-VBR ELE015-VBR Impact Driver Specifications

Product Features:

VTH Electrix Concrete Vibrator Machine ELE015-VBR ELE015-VBR Impact Driver Features & Specifications stand apart in the Hammer Drills category. The details about VTH Electrix Concrete Vibrator Machine ELE015-VBR ELE015-VBR Impact Driver(35 mm Chuck Size, 240 W) are given below as well. Unboxing VTH Electrix Concrete Vibrator Machine ELE015-VBR ELE015-VBR Impact Driver specs Type: Impact Driver, Maximum Power Output: 240 W, Power Source: Corded, & more details are given below

Are you in charge of a load-bearing construction project? Then you know how important it is to ensure that the concrete pour is free of air bubbles and is even. This would ensure that the structure would remain smooth and strong after the supports have been removed. Manual and less powerful concrete vibrators may not always be able to maintain the evenness of the pour. Powerful concrete vibrators are your best bet to maintain the integrity of the structure. Aegon has experience in the field of manufacturing power tools for the construction industry. Aegon machines are known for their efficiency and durability. The ACV35-01 concrete vibrator is the best in its class. This is a portable vibrator, so it will enable the user to cover a wider area. One of the best concrete vibrators available from Aegon, this machine requires between 220V to 240V and 600 Watt of power to function. The no-load speed of this 35 mm concrete vibrator is 4000 rpm. There is an in-built power optimization feature in the Aegon ACV3501 concrete vibrator that reduces the power consumption during no-load operation periods. The diameter of the vibrating head of this concrete vibrator is 35mm. The machine has been designed to make it easy for the user to carry it around and to provide optimal grip during operation. The power to weight ratio is optimal for this particular model by Aegon. Applications: The Aegon ACV3501 concrete vibrator shakes the concrete gradually, dispersing air pockets and the concrete becomes packed without any rock pockets, voids, or honeycombing. It can be used in different kinds of structures like beams, columns, slabs and so on. In the long run, this ensures that the structure will not spout leakages, binds properly with the rebar and will remain strong. The use of a concrete vibrator gives a smooth finish to the final construct.

Even though Flipkart offers wide range of Hammer Drills in comparison to VTH Electrix Concrete Vibrator Machine ELE015-VBR ELE015-VBR Impact Driver. This VTH Electrix Concrete Vibrator Machine ELE015-VBR ELE015-VBR Impact Driver deal is the cheapest you can purchase in Online online. We have also included an Unboxing video of VTH Electrix Concrete Vibrator Machine ELE015-VBR ELE015-VBR Impact Driver as well as video review. VTH Electrix Concrete Vibrator Machine ELE015-VBR ELE015-VBR Impact Driver is ideal for gifting Men & Women. Multiple VTH Electrix Concrete Vibrator Machine ELE015-VBR ELE015-VBR Impact Driver color options might also be available Online or in local store in Online be sure to check them before placing final order online. Exchange offers, Bulk discount, Special price, Promo Code, Coupon code, Cashback might also be applicable on VTH Electrix Concrete Vibrator Machine ELE015-VBR ELE015-VBR Impact Driver

VTH Electrix Concrete Vibrator Machine ELE015-VBR ELE015-VBR Impact Driver Specs

Important Note

You, the customer hereby represent and undertake that you are of legal age for purchase and use of this product. You undertake that you will use the product for domestic, and/or agricultural purposes only and in a safe and legal manner, consistent with all applicable laws, safety rules, and good common sense. Further, you represent that you will take such steps as may be reasonably necessary or required by applicable law to keep the product out of the hands of minors, untrained and/or unsound mind individuals. Flipkart shall not assume any consequences, loss, damage or injury, that may arise from the violent or illegal use, or misuse of the product sold by the independent Sellers on the Flipkart platform. It is the responsibility of the customer to handle the product with due care and its intended and legitimate use as a tool. Flipkart does not represent or warrant that the customer may legally purchase, own, or possess the product. Please check the laws and regulations outlined by Law Enforcement Agencies in your local jurisdiction before purchasing and keeping the product in possession.

In the box

1 Electric Vibrator Machine, 1 of vibrator shaft


Brand VTH
Model Number ELE015-VBR
Model Name Electrix Concrete Vibrator Machine ELE015-VBR
Type Impact Driver
Reverse Rotation No
Chuck Size 35 mm
Color Green and Silver
Handle Type Pistol Grip

Power Features

Power Source Corded
Power Requirement 850W
Maximum Power Output 240 W

VTH Electrix Concrete Vibrator Machine ELE015-VBR ELE015-VBR Impact Driver Rating:


Average Rating

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The latest price of VTH Electrix Concrete Vibrator Machine ELE015-VBR ELE015-VBR Impact Driver was obtained on 26 January 2025 from Flipkart

All the price given above are in Indian Rupees (INR) & are valid for Sale in India.

VTH Electrix Concrete Vibrator Machine ELE015-VBR ELE015-VBR Impact Driver is also be available in Online apart from Online availability on Flipkart, Amazon, Croma, Shopclues, InfiBeam, TataCliq, Snapdeal, PayTm Mall & other online stores.

This price is valid in all major cities of India and the Order can be placed online from Online or any top cities including Bangalore, Hyderabad, Chennai, Mumbai, Delhi, Pune apart from Online

INRDeals may offer addition cashback on top of the existing offer offered by the merchant, signup at INRDeals to know more.

Discounts, Cashback and Coupons may be available on VTH Electrix Concrete Vibrator Machine ELE015-VBR ELE015-VBR Impact Driver for some banks like HDFC, SBI, ICICI, CITI, IDBI, AXIS and INDUSIND.

Images shown are for illustration purpose. Actual image/product may differ.

VTH Electrix Concrete Vibrator Machine ELE015-VBR ELE015-VBR Impact Driver(35 mm Chuck Size, 240 W) Lowest Price in Online , India- Reviews, Features, Specification, Cheapest Cost Buy in INR Online. (2025)
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